Janardan Rai Nagar Rajasthan Vidyapeeth


Hostel Facility

All campuses are having hostel which will be allotted to students on first come first serve basis. To know more about Hostel charges, rule and regulation, please contact admission office. It’s always recommended by experts that student should stay in hostel while they are pursuing their higher studies. Few of the advantages of hostel life are –

  • You get more time for studies, activities and you save time in travelling.
  • Hostel life gives you sense of responsibility as well as independence.
  • Hostel life teaches you team work, sense of unity and adjustment etc.
  • All round development of personality is possible during hostel life.
Hostel Location Occupancy Type Annual Fee Facilities Included
SoAS Girls Hostel
At Campus
Air Cooled
60,000 Per Annum
Lodging, Food, & related facilities
SoAS Boys Hostel
At Campus
Air Cooled
60,000 Per Annum
Lodging, Food, & related facilities